Friday, November 29, 2013

December Round 4, December Special: Birthday Party!

Round 4, December Special: Birthday Party! You have been invited to a friend's birthday party! What will you wear? 

Anyone want to guess whose birthday it is? Please guess via comments, whoever guesses right might get extra points, so please make sure to include your Fashion Story Boutique's name in your guess!

Post "12/27/13" when you are ready, you have 24 hours to change! Three players will be eliminated, so chose your outfits wisely!

ex. my avatar is dressed casual, with a little jewelry to add elegance. I am dressed considering the weather that is most likely going to be like today where I live. ~ Sky's Limit

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

December Round 3: Eliminations and Points

Just so you all know the top overall score is only separated from the bottom overall score by 4 points. At this point in time it is anyones game, so do your best. This elimination was one of the hardest I have ever done.

#1. Misty: 8/10, 3rd ELIMINATED
#2. Jourdyn Sparkle: 10/10, 1st
#5. Louise: 8/10, 3rd ELIMINATED
#6. Katie Couture: 10/10, 1st
#7. Seek Unique: 8/10, 3rd ELIMINATED
#8. Lovely Clothes: 9/10, 2nd
#9. Girl World: 9/10, 2nd
#10. Angel Secrets: 10/10,1st
#13. London Boutique: 9/10, 2nd

For the record, this is the first time anyone with a score of 8/10 has been eliminated. It just goes to show how good all of my contestants are. You all did great!

Next round will be posted soon, please patient. ~ Sky's Limit

Fashionista O' November: Jourdyn Sparkle

On October 22, 2013, #15 contestants turned in their first outfits in hopes of continuing through all 5 rounds and becoming the Fashionista O' November. In the end Jourdyn Sparkle broke the record held by Love Pink (46/50) and got a stunning score of 48/50 overall points! Here are some of her stunning outfits!

Above: on the left is her outfit for Round 1, Holiday: Thanksgiving, in the middle her outfit for Round 2, Under Cover: Teacher, and on the right her outfit for Round 3, Date Night; Fall Ball.

Below and on the left is her winning outfit for Round 5: Theme of Your Boutique her boutique theme was Fall, and on the right her outfit for a recent round of my current contest Round 2, Under Cover: Runway.

Jourdyn Sparkle is an awesome Fashion Story neighbor and she is now one the best dressers I know. If you would like to know more about the Fashionista O' November or my current contest, please ask via comments. ~ Sky's Limit

Monday, November 25, 2013

December Round 3, Date Night: Walk in The Park

Round 3, Date Night: Walk in The Park. You and your date are going out to dinner at fancy restaurant and then to a beautiful walk in the nearby park. Dress according to what weather is like in your part of the world right now. Post the kind of weather you dress for when done, here are some examples: 'Snow' 'Chilly' 'Freezing' 'Raining' 'Cold' 'Sweltering', etc. You have 24 hours to change, three players will be eliminated. 

ex. My avatar is dressed for a beautiful, slightly cool fall day in Los Angles, California. She is wearing fancy shoes (which you can't see in this picture), and diamond jewelry. She is also holding a sparkling purse and cute hat. 

If you have any questions about this round or my contests, please just ask. ~Sky's Limit

Sunday, November 24, 2013

December Round 2: Eliminations and Points

Round 2 was a really interesting round for me to see what everyone's outfits would look like, and you all did great job ladies. I love the mix of traditional and not-so-traditional that we have this month. The next round is one of my favorites… I can't wait to see what y'all come up with, thank you so much for your participation.

#1. Misty: 10/10, 1st
#2. Jourdyn Sparkle: 10/10, 1st
#3. petite: 7/10, 4th: ELIMINATED
#5. Louise: 8/10, 3rd
#6. Katie Couture: 9/10, 2nd
#7. Seek Unique: 10/10, 1st
#8. Lovely Clothes: 9/10, 2nd
#9. Girl World: 9/10, 2nd
#10. Angel Secrets: 10/10, 1st
#12. Chantelle: 8/10, 3rd: ELIMINATED
#13. London Boutique: 9/10, 2nd
#15. Chictique: 7/10, 4th: ELIMINATED

Round 3 will start tomorrow, info will be on my blog and my Fashion Story wall, please feel free to ask questions.~ Sky's Limit

Saturday, November 23, 2013

December Round 2, Under Cover: Runway

Round 2, Under Cover: Runway! You have been asked to go under cover in a Red Carpet Runway contest. The first round you are required to wear all black accept one dash of color (which you get to choose). Post 'Trophy' on my Fashion Story wall when you are ready, you have 24 hours to change. Three contestants will be eliminated.

ex. As you can see, I chose red as my color. I added it in via the rose, though you could use shoes, jewelry, purses or hats. Diamonds are permitted as long as the main outfit is black (Shirt, skirt, pants, dress). Remember to accessorize your avatar and have fun!

If you have questions, please just ask. ~ Sky's Limit

Friday, November 22, 2013

Round 1: Eliminations and Points

This is the Eliminations and Points from Round 1, Holiday: Christmas. Before I continue I want to Thank You all for joining my contest, it means a lot. Round of applause for all #15 of the contestants!

#1. Misty: 8/10, 3rd
#2. Jourdyn Sparkle: 9/10, 2nd
#3. petite: 7/10, 4th
#4. Panda Express: 6/10, 5th: ELIMINATED
#5. Louise: 9/10, 2nd
#6. Katie Couture: 7/10, 4th
#7. Seek Unique: 10/10, 1st
#8. Lovely Clothes: 7/10, 4th
#9. Girl World: 10/10, 1st
#10. Angel Secrets: 9/10, 1st
#11. fashion time: 7/10, 4th: ELIMINATED
#12. Chantelle: 10/10, 1st
#13. London Boutique: 8/10, 3rd
#14. moynis: 7/10, 4th: ELIMINATED
#15. Chictique: 8/10, 3rd

Round 2 will start tomorrow. There will be info on both my blog and Fashion Story wall.~Sky's Limit

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fashionista O' October: LOVE PINK

On September 21, 2013, #15 contestants turned in their first outfits all with the same goal in mind, becoming the Fashionista O' October! From the beginning LOVE PINK's outfits stood out from among the rest. With her simply charming outfits she won her well earned title as the 1st October Fashionista. Here are her outfits:

Above and on the left is her outfit for Round 1, Holiday: Fireside Birthday, in the middle is her outfit for Round 2, Under Cover: Wedding Photographer and on the right her outfit for Round 3, Date Night: Ocean Cafe.

Below and on the left is her outfit for Round 4, Outing: Horse Back Trail Ride, in the middle her winning outfit for Round 5: Theme of Your Boutique her theme was Neon Colors and on the right a 
B E A U T I F U L outfit I saw when I visited her during the month of daily likes.

LOVE PINK is an awesome neighbor and fun person to talk to. She writes a Fashion Story blog of her own on which she posts her friends favorite outfits and other theme stuff along with tips and info about new catalog items. 

If you like to know more checkout her blog or ask via comments. I will answer questions to the best of my limited ability. ~Sky's Limit

Round 1, Holiday: Christmas!

It is Christmas Day and you and your family are having a casual Christmas party. Dress for a fun day full of singing, jokes, scary tales and opening presents! Later there will be a sleigh ride and pumpkin pie. Post 'Jingle Bells' when you are ready, you have 24 hours to change.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Observations and Examples: Fashion Story Catalog Items

It has come apparent to me that one of the most difficult things to do on Fashion Story is to keep your boutique's clothing and accessories in stock, especially if you have a job, go to school or are simply on vacation. Why is it important? Because clothes are the main source of income for your boutique. The more clothes you have, the more buyers buy, which means more money to spend on avatar outfits, decor, etc.

 Over time, I have come up with an over-night order list and a day-time order list specifically for the purpose of keeping my boutique alive.

My day-time order list changes based on what I am doing that day and how much I am on my iPhone. My over-night list however, stays the same most days. What you have on your order list should be based on the Theme of Your Boutique. In my case, since my theme is Green and Blue Beach Chic my order lists include items from ocean jewel, geek chic, boho chic, beach allure, lakeside lady, keep it casual, etc. 

No matter what theme your boutique has, the time the items take to 'arrive' should be about the same. Here is a time guide line.

 Anything from 7-18 hours for over-night orders

 2 mins-8 hours for day-time orders

 24 hour orders I usually right before I go to sleep, but they could be ordered at anytime during the day.

Below are some examples of how using this order guide list could look like.

Blooming Diva: 5 hours/day-time order. Ocean Jewel: 1 day/anytime order.

Simply Casual: 2 mins/day-time order, Born Wild: 1 hour mins/day-time order, Morning Stroll: 15 mins/day-time order,

Cool and Cozy: 5 hours/day-time order, Fun Fur Sure: 12 hours/night-time order, and Fall Fabulous: 8 hours/night or day-time order. 

As you can see, there are some outfits that can be ordered day or night. One of the main reasons your night-time order time is so important is that however long it took to get here, is how long it has until it expires. For example, if a shirt take 1 minute to arrive than it only lasts one minute before expiring. Time also effects how many 'units' of each item you get. I have found that by stocking up (by ordering multiple of the same thing or ordering it consistently) I could leave my shop to run, without any interaction from me, for days. So, pay attention not only to time also the 'unit' amount.

This concludes my observations on the Fashion Story boutique catalog. If you have questions, comments or an opinion, please leave comment.~ Sky's Limit

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fashionista O' September: Flor💝de💝Menina

On August 20, 2013 #15 contestants entered to compete to be the Fashionista O' September and win the a  month of daily likes. Over the next few days contestants faced tests which where designed to discover the most creative, unique and prompt among them. Finally, on August 30, 2013, the winner was announced… Flor💝de💝Menina! Here are her beautiful outfits which made her stand out.

Above and on the left is her outfit for Round 1: First Day of School, in the middle is her outfit for Round 2: Under Cover, Sports Center, above and on the right is her outfit for Round 3: Date Night.

Below and on the left is her outfit Round 4: Movie Night and finally below on the right is her winning outfit for Round 5: Theme of Your Boutique, her theme was Japanese. 

Flor💝de💝Menina owns a beautiful boutique and Fashion Story blog. She is not only a good competitor, but a great contest coordinator. If you would like to know more about Flor💝de💝Menina check out her blog and if you have any questions, ask away! ~Sky's Limit 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Start Your Own Avatar Contest, Part 2

Keeping track of points and rounds can be very confusing, so organizing them should be top priority. Keep in mind that everyone organizes differently, so your system probably won't look exactly like mine. On the other hand it may be very similar. Either way here is an example of how to organize your points and rounds.

Round 1: Date Night
………….(describe round)…………..

1. (Contestants Boutique name) 5/10= 6th place --- 5/50 overall

First you could write down the round and the description you are going to give the players, so that when you are looking at or taking a picture of their avatar's outfits, you know what to look for without having to go back on your own Fashion Story wall. This information may not be necessary, but can be very helpful in the future. Something else I strongly suggest is a list of your contestants, as shown above. I usually but  a number next to their Fashion Story name based on what order they entered my contest.

Next to that is their boutique name and then their points or score for that round.  In the case of my contest, each round is worth up to 10 points and since there is 5 rounds each contestant could get up to 50 points overall. It is these points that in the end decide who wins the contest. At this moment our example would most likely be eliminated, because of the very low score she has.

 I don't usually count their overall score until the last round, though I do keep track of it. This of course means that some people get eliminated even though they have a pretty high overall score, but that doesn't happen very often. You may have noticed on the example that this player is considered to be in '6th place'. This is something which I only recently developed. Here is what I came up with.

10/10 1st
9/10 2nd
8/10 3rd
7/10 4th, etc

If you get into the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, you will most likely go onto the next round. If you get 5th (6/10) and below, you are most likely up for elimination. As the contest organizer, you should plan ahead as to how many contestants will be eliminated per round. This should be based on how many contestants you have in your contest and how many rounds you are going to have. In my case I do 5 rounds, #15 contestants and I eliminate 3 players per round except in the last round where winner takes all… :)

Using this organized system I keep track of my contestants, their points and rounds. I have found that by using this system I can easily run my Fashion Story contest and still operate as a human being in my real life. I am planning on going into more detail about contest rounds and how to come up with them in a later post, but hopefully this can at least help you get started.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via comments, I will answer them to the best of my ability. ~Sky's Limit

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Fashionista O' August: Louise

In the middle of my summer vacation I hosted a contest to see who would be the Fashionista O' August 2013. It was a fun filled time with cute outfits and creative fashions by all. Sadly, only one of the #15 contestants could be named the Fashionista O' August. So, on August 1, 2013 I announced the winner, who is known to her friends on Fashion Story as Louise. Here are her cute outfits that won Louise her title.

Above and on the left is her outfit for Round 1: Hiking, in the middle her outfit for Round 2: Beach Party, and above on the right her outfit for Round 3: "S'mores Anyone?".

Below and on the left is her outfit for Round 4: Pyramids, in the middle her winning outfit for Round 5: Theme of your Boutique, her boutique's theme was Simple, and below on the right a cute casual outfit for another contest.

One of my oldest Fashion Story neighbors, Louise is considerate, fun and an expert when it comes to fashion. If you would like to know more about her or my contest, ask away!

Thank You to all of my contestants for making my contests Fun! ~Sky's Limit

The Fashionista O' July: Anna's Fashions

One of the things I enjoy doing on Fashion Story is hosting my annual Fashionista O' the month contest. On July 1, 2013, 15 contestants entered my first of many contests. Over the course of the next few days one contestant stood out… Anna's Fashions! Not only did her outfits go together, they fit the themes in my contest very well. In the end, she won her title as Fashionista O' July 2013. Here are her outfits… 

Above and on the left is her outfit for Round 1: Date night, in the middle is her outfit for Round 2: Daddy and Daughter Dance, and on the right is her outfit for Round 3: BFF's Birthday Picnic Party.

Below and on the left is her outfit for Round 4: Under Cover Business Woman, in the middle her winning outfit for Round 5: Theme of Your Boutique, Her theme was "Black and Purple Mod Chic," and on the right an interesting outfit taken during another contest.

Anna's Fashions continues to join contests and though she is not a very active player, she often holds contests of her own. She loves birds, the colors turquoise and purple, and she has a great eye for fashion. If you want to know more about July's Playful Fashionista, please leave a comment.

In the mean time, Thanks for visiting! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Start Your Own Avatar Contest, Part 1

When I am starting a Fashion Story avatar contest the first thing I do is come up with a catchy phrase to draw people in -- making sure I spell the words right, use proper punctuation/grammar and that it includes a unique word for them to post on my boutique's wall if they want to join. Here are a few examples: "If you like to win Trophies and have fun at the same time please join my contest! Post 'Spots' on my wall to join!" or "I am having an avatar contest on my wall, post 'Spots' to join.", etc. After I have figured out what I am going to say, I decide how many people I will allow to enter. I usually stick to #15 because it works perfectly with the number of rounds in my annual Fashionista O' the month contest and though it is not easy to keep everything straight with fifteen contestants, it is not too hard.

You also have to consider (based on your number of contestants) how many people you are going to eliminate each round and how many rounds you are going to have. Another thing to consider is what kind of prize will the winner win.  Thankfully Fashion Story gives many opportunities for this type of thing. I would suggest likes for a certain amount of time and/or a unique title and/or a particular type of gift for a pre-arranged amount of time. These are just some examples, so feel free to be creative! :)

After I have determined the before mentioned information, it is now time to line up some contestants. How? Well for starters I tell my best Neighbors, Friends and frequent visitors about my contest. I also tell people on the Fashion Story community,  and if I am in any contests I will also post it on the host's wall. If you want more contestants quickly, choose people who are in other contests, are holding contests and 4* players who seem to like this sort of things. By doing it this way you will get a mix of old and new friends which will make your contests even more fun to host.

Once you have the desired number of contestants you can move on to organizing the rounds. Make sure you have a link or connection so that you can notify each of your contestants about upcoming rounds, etc. I keep track of my contestants in a notebook purposely designated for that purpose. I will cover round organization and points in a later post.