Friday, October 31, 2014

Weekly Closet Updates: Hipster Sister and Ballet Beauty

This update was not my favorite whatsoever. The top is cute, but it is an only an orange version of one we already have. The skirt isn't anything new, the sunglasses aren't my fav, and the shoes are ok. Honestly, this update was better than the Halloween update I was expecting.

In my two examples I used the shoes in both, and the glasses in one. 

This update is very beautiful and elegant. I love the entire update, but I must point out that ballerina's don't wear necklaces during ballet practice. 

In my example, I added the wand, snowflake bracelet, and the crown to make it a costume like worn in a performance. 

Both updates are better than some I have seen. However, I have also seen better. What do you think? ~ Sky's Limit

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weekly Closet Update: Fitness Flair

This week I expected to see a halloween outfit, however I was pleasantly surprised. This week's update is a fitness outfit. The top is immodest, but the rest of the update is very cute. I especially like the shoes, which sadly cost 18 gems. The pants are the only thing in the update that cost coins. 

In my example I used the shoes and pants in my sporty outfit. 

What are your thoughts on this week's update from Team Lava? ~ Sky's Limit

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Weekly Closet Update: Orange Crush

With colorful leaves creeping through the trees and the days getting colder, fall is well on its way if it isn't here already. With this in mind, the new update is perfect for this week with the longer sleeves and fall colors. I know some people where looking for "Halloween" costumes and such, but I for one like this update and wouldn't want a costume in its place. 

The new update has gone back to the 3/4 scale with the cost (3/4 gems, 1/4 coins) but is still a cute outfit. The pants somewhat match a recent update and are not like anything in my closet color wise. Overall, I think the outfit is cute and totally in the fall spirit.

In my example, I used the pants from the update in what I would consider a chic date night outfit. 

What do y'all think of the newest update from Team Lava? ~ Sky's Limit