Friday, January 3, 2014

Managing Your Time On Fashion Story: Time & Avatar Contests

One of my favorite things to do on Fashion Story next to hosting a contest, is entering one. Every time I learn something and most of the time I enjoy doing the contest even if I don't win. However, there was a time when entering and competing in contests was more work than fun. Why? Because of Time Limits and Limitations.

For example, I can't be playing Fashion Story when I am sleeping, and I don't know anyone who can. This of course becomes a 'problem' when the host of the contest is giving out 2 hour rounds after my bedtime. With no chance at ever winning her contest/s, I choose never to enter her contests again.

But, back to the point. Since you can't play when you are asleep, and some of your contest hosts are on different time zone. Here is a tip: "If the first contest round is under 18 hours and on a different time zone, then the likely hood of you getting eliminated just went up." Granted, sometimes it works out but only once in a great while.

If you ever plan on hosting a contest, keep this in consideration, and if you are entering a contest remember it may not work out as you had hoped.

In addition, entering more than 3 contests at a time can and will most likely get dicy. Though some outfits can multitask, there are some themes you can't use a multitasker for. This makes collaborating your outfits and turning them in on time even harder. I suggest no more than 3 contests at a time, which should be enough to keep you busy and yet leave you time to enjoy the game itself.

If you have a question, please ask it via comment and thank you to all of my faithful readers. ~ Sky's Limit

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