Wednesday, January 29, 2014

February Round 3, February Special: Pink and Casual

Round 3, February Special: Pink and Casual! Dress casual, for relaxing day with your bestie! Between the movies, girl to girl talks, board games, baking, etc you have so much you could do!

Required Item(s): You must have at least one, preferably more, pink item.

Post what you and your bestie enjoyed the most (ex "We Went To A Movie!") when you are done, you have 24 hours to change! 3 players will be eliminated, so use your imagination and have fun!

Example: my avatar is wearing her favorite jeans, simple shoes, very little jewelry, a small light purse and a head band to keep my hair out of my eyes. This outfit has 3 pink items, and is one of my favorites! ~ Sky's Limit


  1. Hey, this is Passion from Fashion Story. I have a couple of themes you can use for your contests -

    Prom night
    New job in a office
    Valentines day
    Bestfriends birthday party
    Dinner date

    Hope these are helpful :)

    1. Thank you for the ideas! I have used a few of them before, but I can always use new ideas. It makes my day when one of my contestants offers an opinion, Thanks for commenting! ~ Sky's Limit

      these where very helpful, thanks!
