Saturday, December 28, 2013

Giving Gifts On Fashion Story: What is the most helpful Gift to Give?

As you may already know, you can give gifts to your neighbors on Fashion Story such as, Red Sweaters, Contrast Pumps, Black Slacks, and Sunny Hand Bags:

Notice the numbers below each item? Those numbers represent them number of items you are sending, which if you think about it is also the amount your neighbor will be selling once they receive your gift. Since the gift is free for you to give, I suggest sending the gift with the biggest amount of items. Contrast Pumps are what I send as gifts except during Christmas time when I send Red Sweaters in honor of the season. 

Why give the larger amount of items? Because that also means a larger amount of coins for your neighbor, and why not give them the most valuable gift? Unless they ask for one of the other options, sending Contrast Pumps is what I think is the best thing to do.

Even though the gifts above are the only built in gifts you can give to your neighbors, there are others  you can give if only you choose to give them.  For example, a kind word can go a long way to brighten up someones day. A complement on their avatar's outfit, their boutique decor, or just for being who themselves are some examples of things you could say to them as a gift. 

Another gift you can give is advice and new players aren't the only ones looking for advice, trust me. Even if it just a suggestion on store decor or subtle changes to their avatar outfits, it is a gift. The last example, which is by no means the least, is funny or encouraging quotes. I have been encouraged and/or laughed when I saw some of the things that I still have on my wall to this day. 

Just remember that even though you probably have a lot of things to do other than play on your video games for hours at a time, it only takes a few seconds to type an encouraging message on someones wall or a piece of advice. And that by taking those few seconds to say something nice to them you show them how special they are to you. 

Just a thought, hope it helps. ~ Sky's Limit

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