Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Patience and Gems

One of things which those of us who don't buy gems with real money have trouble with on Fashion Story is when and what to buy with our gems? Decor, clothes, surprise boxes, doors, the list of options goes on. 

Doors(10gems): They can add to the amount of customers you get per second, but only if you have enough clothes for them to look at. If you have a smaller boutique, I say wait until you are big enough that having more customers would benefit you enough to balance out the cost.

Clothes(1-50gems): though they are beautiful they do not earn you any coins (unless you count winning contest prizes), so I say save up and spend your gems on your theme outfit (the outfit that matches your boutique theme). If you don't want to do that then the next option is for you.

Decor(1-200gems): Doesn't earn you money but can make your boutique more beautiful and if you buy stuff to match your boutique theme, then maybe it is worth it to you. However, I don't usually spend gems on decor over 2 gems.

Surprise Boxes/Chests(25-50gems): Though I don't know much about the Fashion Story boxes, TeamLava has posted what you can get in each box here. I got this link from a fellow Fashion Story Blogger, Love Pink. I personally don't suggest you buy the boxes/chests because it is random chance that you will get your gems worth. 

These are only some of the things you can buy with gems on Fashion Story, but I do have an overall rule for when I buy things with gems:

This can apply to other things as well, but for now think of it as My Gem Spending Advice. Please feel free to ask questions via comments. ~ Sky's Limit

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