When I first started playing Fashion Story, one of the things that confused me was how to 'keep up' with visiting my neighbors daily. At first I just visited every single one of my neighbors, every day unless I was terribly busy. But about the time my neighbor count reached 50, I realized there must be another, more reasonable way to visit my many active neighbors without spending 2 hours just to visit all my neighbors (some of whom never visited back or weren't playing anymore).
I then tried visiting only 20 neighbors a day, but that got tedious and was still consuming to much time. So, I came up with a solution that I still use to this day.
I determined that I would only visit people who posted on my Fashion Story wall, and so far it has worked perfectly. Not only has it cut back on the time I spend visiting my Fashion Story neighbors instead of spending time with my family or doing other very important things.
Another issue is when to delete neighbors if at all. I have decided to delete all of my 0 star neighbors once annually, on January 1st. But I have heard, seen and experienced other methods of deciding on when and why to delete neighbors. Here are some examples:
Example 1: deleting 1-0 star neighbors daily, no exemptions.
Example 2: only accepts 3-4 star neighbors over level 30, deletes anyone who star rating drops unless told that person will be not playing because of vacation, etc.
Example 3: Doesn't accept new neighbors and visits only those who post on her wall and deletes those who are level 30 and up who fall below 2 star.
Example 4: deletes you if you don't have enough clothes consistently.
Some of these are extreme examples, but I think you get the idea. Some people just ignore the visiting part of Fashion Story all together, while others make it a priority in their time on the game. While still others, myself included, try to balance both visiting and playing this amazing game.
As with most things that involve organization, everyone has the way that works for them that might not work for anyone else. This of course means that your organization of your neighbors and when you visit, delete or send gifts to them will be unique in one way or another, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't think about what you do. As a friend of mine reminded me one day, there are "real people behind each 'personage' in the game".
So, when you do something with your neighbor list, whether it is delete, adding or visiting a neighbor, remember that there is a real person a lot like you behind each boutique in the game and treat them as such.
As for how many neighbors you 'should' have, it is entirely up to you. I accept all neighbor invites and send invites to anyone who leaves their storm8 ID on my wall, but I honestly think that you should decide for yourself whether you will have a limit on how many neighbors you will have or not.
As to the best way to find neighbors, I will cover that in my next post. If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment. ~ Sky's Limit
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