Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weekly Updates: Precious Prints and Track Chic

Precious Prints: Seriously Team Lava? Even though this is better than the last few, it needs a lot of work. My version of it is on the right, I only used the shoes... honestly their outfit, ugh. Bland colors, immodest design... the list could go on. Not only that but it was over priced in my opinion. 

Track Chic: Way better! I love the jacket, though I can't afford it and the idea of the outfit is better than the last 6 weeks. The pants and shoes look a lot like some we already have, but with a little twist. I love how this outfit looks and works in my closet... Is it just me, or did TeamLava figure out that we don't like bland? Next weeks outfit will tell. My version of this outfit is on the left.

Please tell me what y'all think of this new update, and have a great day! ~ Sky's Limit


  1. Were do I find precious prints on my game? Went under runway but its not there. Please help

    1. I just looked on my game and was able to find it quite easily. I would suggest checking for updates for the game or contacting Team Lava. http://www.storm8.com/games/fashion-story

      I am sorry I can't give you more information, I hope this helps. ~ Sky's Limit
