Friday, November 29, 2013

December Round 4, December Special: Birthday Party!

Round 4, December Special: Birthday Party! You have been invited to a friend's birthday party! What will you wear? 

Anyone want to guess whose birthday it is? Please guess via comments, whoever guesses right might get extra points, so please make sure to include your Fashion Story Boutique's name in your guess!

Post "12/27/13" when you are ready, you have 24 hours to change! Three players will be eliminated, so chose your outfits wisely!

ex. my avatar is dressed casual, with a little jewelry to add elegance. I am dressed considering the weather that is most likely going to be like today where I live. ~ Sky's Limit

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that the theme of your friends party is Justice League. ~ Sky's Limit
