This round I saw some awesome outfits, great job ladies! I LOVE the creativity and cheerfulness I have seen in this group of contestants! Thank you all for joining!
#1. Rachel Style: 0/10-did not turn in outfit-ELIMINATED
#3. Chictique: 9/10-2nd-SAFE
#4. Fashion Kingdom: 9/10-2nd-SAFE
#5. noor: 10/10-1st-SAFE
#8. Passion: 9/10-2nd-SAFE-minus 2 for low modesty
#11. Sparkle: 10/10-1st-SAFE
#12. Lovelicious: 7/10-3rd-SAFE
#13. cutie boutique: 6/10-4th-ELIMINATED
#15. Emily Boutique: 5/10-5th-ELIMINATED
I will post the next round tomorrow, today was more hectic than I thought it would be. Thank you all for your patience! ~ Sky's Limit